To Make You Think

To Make You Think
Einstein & Me

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

US Income Tax day

Last evening I received an email from a friend comparing the 1999 (Clinton years) tax rates with the current tax. .so it is obvious that the Bush /republicans are all about cutting taxes. . What should probably be compared now is the national deficit from 1999 to now, and how much difference our few thousand dollars per family would make a dent in that.
What have we given up or lost in the process? Maybe it's too soon to tell. .but in another bit of 'news' I heard this morning on NPR -- a bit more humorous-- or perhaps they relate-- was the story of how the investment behaviors of traders have to do with testosterone levels.-- risk-taking, aggression.
The summary: it would be better --more balanced-- if there were more women and older men in the stock market!
I like that.
Once I figure out how put such links in this blog, I will share such stories with all of you--so you can read them too.


phynngrrl said...
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phynngrrl said...

To include a link you have to do a few things.

1. have the web address of the link copied into your clipboard

2. while writing your entry, highlight the text you want people to read as the title of the link.

3. With that text highlighted, click on the link icon (green circle and a chain link) at the top of the writing screen and then paste the web address of the link into the dialog box.

If you don't have any text highlighted before you try to make a link this won't work. So you can't insert a link before you do anything else.