To Make You Think

To Make You Think
Einstein & Me

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tuesday, at the office

Today at work I learned that Wichita State has an excellent reputation for the Co-operative Education/Intern program they have built. I was happy to claim that Darrin, my son now 37, was a beneficiary of that program, and is still in the company that he interned with as an aeronautical engineering student. A couple 'small world' stories came about today also. The WSU employee who sat on my left was the head of the computer science department, and I was able to tell him that my son-in-law is now living & working in Wisconsin.. .He said that Chris was famous in their department--one of their 'best' students. . very bright...... so now we know.

Our new intern from WSU, Eric, began work today, and created his first piece of graphic art. He tells me that the first thing they say is important to learn is to not be too sensitive to criticism (about one's work). . a wise young man. .to have retained that of all the lessons he has learned .. .
I'm impressed.

My 80-year old Sr. Work Experience worker, Eleanor Parsons, enjoyed knowing that I also have the email address of her former pastor & wife who she had lost touch with. Seems that our org-- Alternative Gifts Intl.-- is one of the favorites of that former pastor.. .

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