To Make You Think

To Make You Think
Einstein & Me

Monday, September 21, 2009

Guest Hosting a local TV talk show

Another item on my life's 'would like to try that' list has been accomplished.

Last week I was a guest on KCTU-5 or 43 TV, and this week I was invited to be 'guest host'. the topic: volunteering.

I think I did pretty well, even tho only one person (other than the station co-producer) called in. I may be asked back. LM

Early Fall in Kansas

we certainly can't be complaining about the weather in Kansas this month. It has been unseasonably cool, bringing the forebodings of a long Winter. . .but right now we are enjoying 70's and 80's and it could hardly be any nicer.

Work is going fairly well, but growing anxiety about how the economy will affect the holiday season.

Social life with a Shriner is rather interesting--reminding me of the days when we used to 'let it all hang out' at wedding dances back in Ellis. LM