To Make You Think

To Make You Think
Einstein & Me

Monday, May 26, 2008

On the Road Again--Chicago, here I come!

in 24 hours I'll be headed to a few of my favorite places: Chicago. .and, on the way, the homes of my daughters. Many people I know say that they 'like' Chicago. .perhaps it is because of the foresight of the man who deemed it important to restrict the city from selling the land along the shore of Lake Michigan, and instead it is maintained as a park. Residents and tourists can bicycle or run or roller blade from the Indiana St. line to the northern suburbs of Chicago, should they choose. chicago has a reputation for being a model city for social reform, and is considered a bastian of the Democratic party.
It also has the reputation of being the education center for more 'seminarians' than any other place than Rome/the Vatican. There are more than 10 schools of theology in the Chicago area. Perhaps that is another reason why people 'like' Chicago. the percentage of folk who are striving for civility and conflict resolution through the faith traditions are slightly higher there.
I, for one, would hope that is the case, and encourage you to visit there. LM

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