To Make You Think

To Make You Think
Einstein & Me

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Grandkid 'therapy'

I'm not sure if is because the grandkids are getting older, or because I'm getting older, but I today i was able to enjoy time with Drew and Annalee more than some previous times. Perhaps it was because each of us got to choose to do something we liked to do in the 5 hours we spent together, and no one felt cheated.
We shopped a little; played on playground equipment a little; ate a little; planted flowers a little; and talked a little. there was a little computer time and reading in there for one party, but not too much. A good balance. Hopefully we can remember this in the future and manage to do it more often. Why was it different?
Several people were not living their schedules according to someone elses game of activity that was theirs alone, and the others were only spectators. Each person had a say in it.
When children are in organized sports with so much time required, it seems that the stress may outweigh the benefit for some families-- overall.

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