To Make You Think

To Make You Think
Einstein & Me

Friday, May 16, 2008

For the rest of your life

Listening to 'Chicago' singing some old songs written/sung by people who think that love (or other things) will never change-- if it is good or loyal or 'right'. At last that is what I have assumed was meant by the love song lyrics such as "Say you'll love me for the rest of my life".

However, more than 50% of couples have learned that it doesn't work that way. Tomorrow would have been a 39th anniversary of a couple from which three fantastic children were conceived. They have grown to make their parents proud. but those parents are no longer together. They couldn't make the promise to stick to love each other for the rest of their lives.

I wonder: can any of us count on any thing remaining the same as it is in any one minute/hour/day/year in time?
Life and the world is dynamic--ever-changing. .

jobs are not guaranteed. Unions can't do it. the Governments can't either.
health is not guaranteed. we all know someone who have been struck with illness 'before their time'. . .what IS 'their/our time' ?
lifestyle is not guaranteed.. . look at all the home foreclosures & big trucks for sale on the street corners.
marriages. . .and love-- ditto; you get the gist.

Most of what we consider our security is never to be taken for granted. And I'm not just talking about national security/love of country. and so, in order for something to come close to lasting 'for the rest of my life'. .we have to work hard to keep it alive. .grow & change & learn new stuff & be ready to reduce/reuse/recycle.

BUT. . I wish for you all. that you will know a love that can last for the rest of your life.

When you understand what real love and respect is really all about, it will. LM

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