To Make You Think

To Make You Think
Einstein & Me

Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Joy of Networking

This past few days have provided a rejuvenation of my spirit and optimism. It seems when a person truly 'finds their vocation' work becomes rewarding--for the most part--and challenging for the balance. The people who attended a conference along with me were really able to bond and create community and willingness to act quickly. In many ways these volunteers were brought together by a spiritual urging and spurred on a similar energy. It was a rare experience and memory to be treasured. Surely we will see the fruits of this gathering within months.

The photo of the 'young peace builders' is of this group who gathered on the grounds of a sacred and peaceful place in the suburbs of Chicago. We enjoyed the evidence of God's gifts of nature, good food and hospitality from the people at University of St. Mary's on the Lake. It was a gift to us as we discussed how improve alternative giving toward the achievement of the UN Millennium Development Goals through the work of Alternative Gifts International. There is now an AGI 'Facebook' and many more plans for the future. LM

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