To Make You Think

To Make You Think
Einstein & Me

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Generation X, Generation Y

According to a luncheon speaker I heard today, it really IS getting harder to manage people these days-- the research says so. The man, a researcher who has also written "It's OK to be the Boss" says that younger employees need coaching and better explanations of what is expected of them, and bosses/managers who are 'hands-off' because they prefer to avoid conflict are only causing them more trouble in the end.
Well. . . ..ok. so what is his suggestion as the better way? more (at least once a week) one-on-one meetings with each employee. Honest communication with checklists, and direction as to how and when work needs to be done.
well. . .this was news-- maybe goods news-- for many of the non-profit managers attending, but it would surely be applicable to anyone who is responsible for 'managing' or leading other employees. Somehow the word management has gotten a bad name, but good, 'tougher' (not angry bullies) bosses are actually rated higher than those who assume that everyone knows what is expected of them them and they will do it-- on time/ every time.

And. .if an employee has a boss that hasn't heard of these findings, perhaps they could ask for such weekly meetings. I believe I have done that. These meetings are not the same as 'staff meetings' or team meetings. Those meetings are when everyone needs to hear the same thing. These meetings are when individual feedback and checklists for progress are the most helpful. yes-- checklists--and they can also be followed up with emails or phone calls to help the employee keep on track. That is how 'good' bosses are helping their employees succeed.

Apparently school just does not prepare people for work.
There were even stories of Generation Y parents calling the bosses of their young adult 'children' to try to mediate or intervene, or speak for. Generation X is known for the parent-less generation. Generation Y those 25 and younger, are considered "over-parented". interesting stuff. I think I'll get the book. LM

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