To Make You Think

To Make You Think
Einstein & Me

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Multiple passions

One day this past week I found myself with 'too much' free time. I was probably avoiding the pressures of deadlines at work, but ended up in one of my favorite places-- a bookstore. Upon leaving, the best part of the visit was when the clerk told me that I had 'saved' $51.

Yes, I spent 3 x that much. .on two books: one fiction --from the bargain table--a Stephen King novel, which I've never ever read before; and one 'self-help' book that a friend has been encouraging me to read: "The Secret". I even saw it in a movie clip last week. I think it was Sex & the City (it would have to be; that is the only movie I've seen in about a year).
I guess this is my contribution to the Bush economic stimulus package!

well. . other than 2 books, I bought 4 or 5 CDs and a few discounted items that one can never have too much of: journaling book, post-it notes & book tote bags. These were "Grammy" brand, something I'd never heard of, but I like the concept. It has musical (guitar graphic art) design and a portion of the sale goes to fund music programs in public schools. . .SO . in one visit I managed to soothe my addictive tendencies for all the things I love most: reading, writing, and music.

This should satisfy my desire for 'new' music for about 6 months or a year. I like to refresh my listening occasionally, but not too often. What music? Secret Garden, Carole King, Mannheim Steamroller (Classical Gas), instrumental Enya, and the soundtrack for the Sex & the City movie. nothing new. my favorite artists in some of their classic songs.

What do you spend your occasional free time and extra money on? LM

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