To Make You Think

To Make You Think
Einstein & Me

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Loving your work

Today was a very good day. The AGI board approved a positive budget for next year, and we will be moving ahead with many good plans to achieve our goals to grow the organization. A new web site will be up within a week.
Checks to agencies will be mailed out next week, and in the words of the board chair "it must make you feel very good when you can see the results of your past year's work in this way."
I had never really thought of it in that way, but he is right. I can count in the hundreds of thousands the people who will benefit from the $950,000+ that will be distributed.

Who would have ever thought? At times like these, I tend to look to my spiritual/faith roots and heritage. It is a humbling experience to realize how many people's efforts were involved in raising these funds. see LM

1 comment:

Monica said...

Way to go, lil momma!