To Make You Think

To Make You Think
Einstein & Me

Saturday, July 5, 2008


As we wait for Eleanor to begin to 'speak' in intelligent words, I have recently had several other revelations about words:
1. how easy it is to use the words we think are easy to understand, and make assumptions that others are 'understanding' us, but communication is just not happening.
2. when trying to convey the nuances of a playwright's supreme talent, how many times those of us who attempt to memorize our part in the script fail to understand the original intent.
3. how difficult it is to communicate at all when we have not been raised with the same values and mother tongue.
4. Language alone is so inadequate; it is the body language and emotion that we add that truly make it meaningful.. .
and so, charades is not really so ridiculous. it is with such gestures and 'hints' that we can really get to the same 'word' or meaning that we are trying to pass along.

people who have lost the ability to speak can still manage to get their needs met, such as if they have had a stroke. what is most important is an empathetic listener. . someone who can really connect with the one with whom really want to relate. LM

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