To Make You Think

To Make You Think
Einstein & Me

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Baby steps

Eleanor, the little inspirational toddler, has headed back home to Wisconsin with her parents. Her mommy arranged for a photo session, and we have some marvelous pictures of her with her 2 cousins--my 3 grandkids. I'll try to post. She had new shoes on that day, with good solid soles, and she showed off in them; took her first witnessed 'alone' steps while being photographed-- but not with a video cam.
But it was a proud moment, and set her confidence up to take more steps in the play area of the studio where there were several other toddlers walking around.
It reminds me of the quote I heard years ago by a Native American woman who was interviewing for my job as Exec. Dir. at NCCJ when I was leaving to go to seminary. She said she made it a habit to look for 'little wins' to keep her motivated to keep going during the tough times.

Why is it that that more often we see and dwell on the negatives and 'losses' in life? Does the media groom us to critique and judge every single thing? How can we remind ourselves and convince the younger generation to look for the silver lining, and 'little wins'. . .and know that they must take 'baby steps' before they can walk the road of life? Have we missed that important reminder about growing up? Why must we feel that all our accomplishments must be 'news-worthy' or measured in a raise or good grades from the teacher? Dear God. help us see the joys in life that are from you, and not man-made.

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