To Make You Think

To Make You Think
Einstein & Me

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Intervention to prevent business blunders or relationship failures

Still trying to find a good platform for the processes and services of a consultant delivering human relations consulting, diagnostics and training.. .
Collaboration may be something that is understood among organizations, but not necessarily between/among individuals. However, improving communication between two employees--supervisor & subordinate, or between a volunteer leader and the staff member they oversee is also an excellent application for collaboration consulting. By bringing new perspectives to the table, those who are open to improvements or change can be helped through coaching or consulting.

This is beginning to show merit with the clients I am working with. Conflict and defensiveness is so common in our world, many people simply think they much accept it as part of their 'job'. .or that it is inherent in relationships, such as marriage. However, the principles which are presented through A Plus Collaboration coaching or workshops are presented in a pro-active way, rather than a reactive way, such as when people resort to marriage counseling or family therapy. Therapy implies that someone is sick, and thus a medical diagnosis becomes part of their insurance profile. Sadly, this is not necessary.

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