To Make You Think

To Make You Think
Einstein & Me

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Jobless. ..two months and counting

Unemployment. . thank goodness for the safety net of Unemp. insurance!
but it can really be a struggle to maintain one's self esteem/confidence. .

if it were not for being here with Andrea, Chris and Ellie I would probably be a real slug. .
but since I can't walk around in my crumby jammies all the time, I at least get dressed. .and do my part of the chores.

Realizing that once you have 'president' on your resume' it is probably not going to be easy to be hired in just any ol' job. .

and so. .I'm considering interim positions, working for 'myself'. .. .as a consultant. .or maybe I should try temp work.

I'm too out of shape to be a good waitress, I fear.

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