To Make You Think

To Make You Think
Einstein & Me

Sunday, May 23, 2010

a 'job' possibility

Soon it will be 3 months of unemployment, with steady applications being submitted and no interviews. If I were in the aircraft industry, I would understand, but the non-profit world has not seen the same kinds of lay-outs in our town. School teachers have been holding their breaths, but the cuts did not go too deep there, thankfully. The art and music programs were spared in the Wichita schools, unlike some of the suburban schools.

however. .for a few years, I have often wondered what it would be like to be a consultant in my 'final career'. Last week I was contacted by a company (Resource Associates Company) in Reading Pennsylvania, and--in the hiring person's terms-- it may be a 'fit'. .the company is into working with people who want to have their own businesses, or work under small affiliate consulting firms, and then support them in an exceptional way to become successful business consultants in coaching, strategic planning, people development, leadership, process efficiencies and quality management-- through the training modules they have created, validated and proven to be cost-efficient.

Their interview process is a 'mutual evaluation' 2-day meeting at their corporate offices.
I'm feeling quite positive about this. It would get me out of the stress of non-profit leadership, but could, in some cases, allow me to coach / train other non-profit leaders to be better at what they want to do.

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