To Make You Think

To Make You Think
Einstein & Me

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

what to do??

Although most of my life at this time centers around my work, I do have a family--and it is a rather interesting one, I think. When it comes to politics, a recent visit to my parents' home in NW Kansas reminded me of my roots as my sister and I had lively discussion about our memories and the ferver with which my 99-year-old Dad is still a staunch Democrat. So, I feel quite comfortable there. My son, however, and a couple other friends do not lean in that direction, and he and my daughters often exchange friendly sparring over their conflicting views on candidates and party politics in general. The girls are liberal Democrats, like me, but possibly for different reasons.

Our discussions are good-natured, but we all share the concern about what this country's future will bring for the next generation-- my grandchildren. My father's father left his home in Europe in 1908, seeking a better life for his family, and my parents survived two World Wars, the 1930's Depression and all the other 'crises' in 20th century USA/world history; they are neither wealthy nor poor, but they are comfortable. Media makes life rather overwhelming for most, but TV news is not the way to make decisions on most topics. It is for entertainment. Politics should not be entertainment, but it seems to have come to that.

I am hopeful, yet concerned, that wisdom and 'right' [justice] will prevail. Politics and leadership are not synonyms. How can we become a wiser nation? There are no simple solutions, or single, absolute right answers. Being rushed into making decisions is never a good way to deal with problems. Finding the facts takes more than just reports and convincing rhetoric and polls of the public. . it takes deep reflection. I wonder if our leaders have had the time to do that. LM

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