To Make You Think

To Make You Think
Einstein & Me

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Energy bursts

In my work I work with folks who, indirectly, are seeking alternative energy--especially for under-developed countries. But in my personal life, I find that my personal energy comes in fits and starts--not just physical energy, but also mental energy-- new ideas.

Having found personal 'affirmations' to be helpful for daily meditation reading, I am often amazed at to how the yearly cycle of reading the same book year after year brings special motivation and solace at the times when I need it most. This morning, for instance, the message was entitled "Things are Working Out". .which was a reminder that often when we've waited days or weeks or even months for a resolution to a problem, there is usually a 'lightbulb' day when the whole problem seems more 'solvable'.. .and sometimes, it seems, nothing more than time had changed.

Before reading that, I had indeed awoken with a brand new idea for an approach to a challenge that been facing a group at work. I felt enlightened, and lightened. I found a new bounce --new energy--as I jotted the thoughts down in an email to myself at work, afraid that I might forget them before I got there.
it didn't take an energy drink or a drug a self-help book, formula, or even a counseling session. . it just took time.. time for the old 'down' mood to pass away, and be replaced with an upswing and a little optimism.
Today, I wish the same energy bursts, and optimism, for you. LM

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