To Make You Think

To Make You Think
Einstein & Me

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Turning the calendar--again

As I look to September, it is time for another birthday #62; realizing that if I wanted to, I could accept 'early' Social Security retirement--as my dad did; and he is still collecting it at 100. That was pretty good odds for him Maybe it's better not to wear the old body out for another $100/month or so from Uncle Sam.
It's been another year under my belt, good memories--almost all. Wonderful blessings--new friends, new pride in my life, health & work.
I will gain a new son-in-law before the year-end, which is really special since we'll also celebrate Monica's 40th birthday in about 2 months. It is wonderful to see them so happy and in love.
and, I must say, August has not been so boring as it sometimes was. It was cooler than usual, but also a new friend has begun bringing some social life on the scene. LM

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